Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!  I know... a little late as it is already the second week into the new year.  But, I have been very busy working on new tutorials, projects to teach on Thursdays, and the numerous unfinished projects that I have.  I am very excited for this year and all of the creating I plan on doing.  I am going to be updating my etsy shop with several new items over the next couple of weeks. 

As for the Thursday classes, I have been working on several things (all pictures to be posted as the project are completed but before the scheduled class dates) and I think that we will be having classes on one Thursday a month, unless the project will take longer, then we will have it twice that month.  If there is anything you want to learn how to do, just let me know and I will get something worked up for it.  Based on suggestions this last year, this years projects include:
- how to applique and reverse applique
- make reusable grocery bags with a carrier (learn how to do a French seam) (Class on Thursday, January 24th)
- a convertible clutch (really cute clutch!... picture will be here by the end of the month)
- cosmetic and toiletries case
- zipped pouch in three sizes
- satin lined sleep mask
and my favorite...
- a faux leather handbag

I promise, as soon as the items have been completed, I will get pictures up online.  Look for the reusable grocery bag with carrier by early next week.  I will get a supply list online over the next couple of weeks as well.  I have had to completely re-do some of the patterns and am working on all of the instructions right now too. 

Over the holidays, I have also worked on the quilt a-long quilt- keep an eye out this weekend for the next "week" of quilt steps.  Clearly, I need to try to not take on so many projects at once as it has been several weeks since last time I update you all about the quilt a long.  I am really good at starting lots of things, but then get distracted and end up with a ton of things only half-way done.

I think my New Year's resolution will be to get all of these little projects completed this year!

One thing that I was able to completely finish over the holidays was the t-shirt quilt for my sister.  I gave it to her for a Christmas present and got it done right before I gave it to her so I did not have a chance to get pictures.  But I have a wonderful sister who took some when she got home.  She had to lay it on her bed because she is not tall enough to take the picture (it measures 70"x70"- HUGE!!!)  I think she liked it and she has asked me to help her make another one.  I really liked doing it; brought back some of the memories of things that we did together in college.  Hopefully it will keep her warm up in the north- after all, it is 70"x70"- plenty of room to curl up on the bed with during the winter.. 

Front of t-shirt quilt

Back of t-shirt quilt

I hope you all have had a good new year so far and have a great year!  I will get more tutorials and pictures up over the next couple of weeks.  Keep checking back or sign-up to receive emails when new blogs are posted. 

Have a great day!

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