Thursday, March 2, 2017

Colorful block quilt

In case you were wondering, I like to sew. I have a slight problem though...when I walk into a fabric or craft store, I always walk out with fabric. Usually fabric I do not even need.  This realization really hit home for me when I was packing my belongings for my next move and I realized I had almost as many tubs full of fabric as I did my own clothes.  Oops.

Good thing before I moved I decided to go through a little bit of my fabric and make a super crazy colorful quilt with random pieces of fabric that I had left over from other projects.  I love how colorful and fun it is.  Because I do not have a large machine, for the quilting I decided to do straight lines along all of the seams.  As always, my little helper was there to make sure it worked really well- I think she approved.

The kitty cat had to stay warm

It is a Queen Size!

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