Friday, August 25, 2017

Table "numbers"

My fiance and I LOVE to travel.  Instead of the normal table numbers, we decided to have tables with places that we have been together.  I needed something to hold the papers showing the locations of where people are going to be sitting.  Wine corks! (If you have seen the ring toss post, then you know we drink wine.)

The base of our picture holders needed to be substantial enough to have a wire going about 8-10" high that will hold the locations.

Using 8 wine corks per number stand, we created our table number holders.

I decided that the needed a little extra color, so I added ribbon and then some cute little flowers to each of them.

And tada! Super cute table number holders. This picture is from the wedding and all I can say is AMAZING! (And if you have not already figured it out, we had by far the best photographer wife and husband team!)

Photo credit: RachelMyersPhotography

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