Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Remote holder

In doing cleaning and organizing, I decided my mess of remotes needed a good place to hang out while not in use.  I would be looking all over the place when I wanted to watch a movie, so organizing seemed like a good call.

After doing some measuring and figuring out what I needed (with my wonderful little helper) this is what I ended up with.  So excited to have one thing in my life a little bit more organized!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Ribbon Holder

Another organization itch came over me (if I keep this up I might be able to take a picture of my sewing corer soon).  This time it was for all of the ribbons I have been using.  I didn't really want to spend the $40 for the ribbon holders that the craft stores sell, so I decided that I could make one. 

My supplies:
- a couple of flat wood boards- mine were about 4"x12" ($1.99 for a set of two- I used two sets)
- a small wood rod- cut to the length of what I wanted the width of the holder to be (mine is about 10" wide) ($0.99)
- all of the ribbon that I have

I took a few measurements to make sure that I centered the rods in the middle of the flat wood boards (I didn't want the ribbons to be crooked).  Drilled two holes in each board and done.  My ribbon holders.  I did have to put little stick pins in the ribbons because I have a little helper that will unwind each ribbon spool that I have if I let her. 

So for only about $5.00, I made two ribbon holders that stand up in my sewing area and are ready for me to use when I need them.