Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Marry Me!

I have to have the most thoughtful and best fiance ever!  He knows I like to do "crafty" things and when I saw wall hangings made out of license plates, we made one representing my college.  Baylor Bears!

One night, he tells me he wants help making one for his college so I figured, sure, we made one we can do another one- easy enough.  So he tells me to lay out the letters, we will take measurements and then make it.  He went to Missouri University- the Tigers- MIZZOU for short.  I say this, because other than the M, I kept asking, what are we spelling again? Very confused but not completely usual for me either.

Well, come to find out, we were not spelling anything to do with his school- he proposed!

Now to actually make the sign from the proposal because we do want it our wedding.

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